Sunday, July 31, 2011

To Judge a Book: 6: Face the Winter Naked by Bonnie Turner...!!Free book for nook alert!!

!!Free nook book alert!!

I downloaded this book for free for my nook at

Once again, I was surprised with a free book.

This is definitely not like the last free book I reviewed, Life, Love and a Polar Bear Tattoo.

This book takes place during the Depression era, and follows a family, Daniel and his wife, LaDaisy while they've been separated. Daniel is a veteran without a job due to the economy who leaves home in search of peace from nightmares, love for himself, and a steady income.

It is a long time coming. During the years that he is away, LaDaisy is left at home with their four children (only 3 of which Daniel knew about) and her father-in-law, Saul.

Daniel meets some interesting characters during his stint as a vagrant, hobo, beggar, or whatever name he happened to be called by various people. He is cheated by a man who hires him. He eats dandelions to survive when there is nothing else.

LaDaisy faces her own problems at home. Her sister, Ida Mae, is pregnant with her first child by a husband she does not know (but thinks she does), her mother is overbearing (whose mother isn't?), her land is ravaged by a tornado, she is trying to make a living by doing laundry and wet-nursing a neighbor baby for the mother who cannot, and she is behind on her rent.

It is a devastating story about what life was like during the Depression, and what life could be like again in the wake of a repeat of history. The connection between the husband and wife, even after the heartbreak and abandonment, is beautiful, as is how all the characters come together in the end - LaDaisy, Daniel, Ida Mae, the mother, the father-in-law, and even a vagrant boy.

This is a must read for people who like historical books, war fiction, Depression fiction, etc.

The author herself was a child of the Depression, born in 1932.

**Content Advisory: foul language, rape scene. My personal suggestion, probably not recommended for children under 18, but can probably be accepted by 16+.

To Judge a Book: 5: Life, Love, and a Polar Bear Tattoo by Heather Wardell...!!Free book for nook alert!!

!!Free book for nook alert!!

I got this from for free for my nook.

I have to admit, after reading the first page of about fifty free books, I was not expecting much from this book, but it just goes to show, some good things in life do come free. This book is probably not going to be a guy's cup of tea, or thermos of black coffee, but as far as chick-flick type books go, this is the cream of the crop.

It follows the one month separation of Candice and her husband, Ian, while he is away on a business trip overseas. They've had some personal issues following the death of Ian's parents, have grown apart, and Candice intends to use the time that Ian is away to decide whether or not their marriage is worth saving.

This plan however, is derailed when Candice is given a project at work (at a design company) and winds up working in close contact with her first love, Kegan.

Over the course of the month, Candice goes out on some wild nights with her girlfriends, gets a tattoo (which everyone but Kegan said she would not do because she "is not the tattoo type"), gets her first wrap at a spa, gets in close proximity with her ex, misses her husband, and finds out something that could break their marriage apart even if she had not been considering what might have been with her first love.

The author has a great sense of humor, too, and in addition to crying in some part, I was actually laughing out loud and wanting to share certain parts with my husband because they were just so funny.

This is definitely worth reading. Possibly twice.

**Content Advisory: a little cussing, some close-to racy parts, nothing sleazy. Suitable for 16+. This was not a Harlequin romance type novel (thank God).
I do advise this for anyone (guy or girl) who has thought about cheating or leaving their spouse.